When Can I Start Training My Dog?

Puppy Training ArticlesPuppies are incredibly smart – they pick up everything they see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. They also store incredible amounts of information about places, people, and behavior. The biggest mistake that owners can make is to just let that information sit there. Use the dog’s early learning capacity by teaching your puppy the good manners that you want him to know for the rest of their life.

 One common myth is that dogs weren’t capable of learning until they were at least 6 months old. This old myth has long been disproven, puppies as early as 3 weeks old experience a stage of rapid brain development. That is why Midway Dog Academy believes in training your dog from a puppy. We offer dog training for puppies that will teach them basic manners, important socialization skills with stable pack members, and full obedience training for the real world dog! This way as your puppy grows into adulthood, they’ve have had key skills to become well-balanced dogs. Having a well-balanced dog in means you can bring them to the dog beach, participate in the marathons, and be capable of walking down the street without pulling on a leash.

Skip bad behavior by training your dog as soon as you bring him home!
